Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Series: The Gospel Story | The Ministry of Reconciliation 11 Since, then, we know what it is to fear…
Bible Text: Acts 19-20 | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Series: The Gospel Story | TWELVE DISCIPLES OF JOHN THE BAPTIST 19 While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the…
Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 12:9a | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Series: The Gifts of the Spirit 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, The Holy Bible: English Standard Version…
Bible Text: Galatians 5:22-25 | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Series: The Fruit of The Spirit
Bible Text: Acts 10:1-11:18 | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Series: The Gospel Story CORNELIUS’S VISION 10 There was a man in Caesarea named Cornelius, a centurion of what was called…