Bible Text: Matthew 6:5-15 | Preacher: Pastor Tony Roberts | Series: The Lord's Prayer | Matthew 6:5-15 (NIV) Prayer 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites,…
Bible Text: Ruth 1-2 | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Ruth 1 (CSB) NAOMI’S FAMILY IN MOAB 1 During the time of the judges, there was a famine in the land.…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:13 | Preacher: Pastor Tony Roberts
Bible Text: Psalm 27 | Preacher: Pastor Ben Cumerford | Psalm 27 (CSB) MY STRONGHOLD Of David. 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom should I fear? The…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:9-15